The Prodigy Flowers and Bulbs system is a derivative of one of our Fresh Produce systems that first came into being in the late 1980s and was written for suppliers of fruit and vegetables to the supermarkets. One of the country’s leading providers of flowers and bulbs realised its potential and adopted the core functionality with bespoke modifications to make the software truly fit for purpose.
“Working with Optimise Systems and utilising Prodigy software provided the functionality and integration as well as the other key performance criteria we required. The implementation was very smooth and professional. In addition, the post ‘go live’ support was excellent.” – Stuart Carr, Director at Lingarden Bulbs
Flowers & Bulbs
The ProdigyFlowers & Bulbs system is a derivative of one of our Fresh Produce systems that first came into being in the late 1980s and was written for suppliers of fruit and vegetables to the supermarkets. One of the country’s leading providers of flowers and bulbs realised its potential and adopted the core functionality with bespoke modifications to make the software truly fit for purpose.
The flowers and bulbs sector of the industry has specific requirements for the export of purchased and sales of bulbs from the UK which is designed to limit or even eradicate the spread of diseases and cross-contamination between varieties and geographical areas.