Optimise Systems

Barrie Astbury

Barrie is one of the Founding Directors of Optimise Systems.

After 25 years’ service in the Royal Air Force a time for change had arrived. After taking two years out to pursue what he wanted to do, he got the opportunity to take a totally different career path within the IT industry.

In 1989 that path first took him to Stewart Computers as a software support engineer on C_Nix software and to this date he still retains a hand in the software support roll with the software that he started on, but now known as Prodigy.

14 years ago he and others acquired the intellectual property rights to the Prodigy software where he became Managing Director. Up until 2017 he retained this roll but then decided that the roll should be handed over to a much younger person but just as knowledgeable on the Prodigy software.

Barrie still retains an active role within the company and will continue to do so.